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Hi! I'm Rebecca. I am a wife , a homeschooling mom, a registered nurse of 14 years, and a Certified Primal Health Coach. I have been on my own health journey for the last 5 years and now I coach women who are ready to start their journey down a better path.
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Dr. Birkholz is the founding member of the Wellness Elements Team, a collaborative of talented experts and practitioners in the fields of nutrition, fitness, mental health and holistic wellness. The members of Wellness Elements work together to encourage, support and transform your health. Dr.
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The Registered Agent on file for this company is B. Tom White and is located at 610 Paseo Del Bosque Nw, Albuquerque, NM 87114. Health, Wellness, and Wisdom With years of success and experience, our certified dietitians are capable of analyzing your over all health and implementing a Nutrition Plan that will help set healthy goals based on your bodies individual needs and not generalized diet strategies. Your Success is Our Goal Health, Wellness, and Wisdom Health and wellness jobs focused on delivering great experiences. TotalWellness is an independent company headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska. Since 1998, we’ve been a leading national provider of wellness services like flu shot clinics , biometric screenings , wellness programs and more.
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