Claymore dual miner et


Nov 13, 2019 · NoDevFee - for Claymore`s Dual Ethereum and Phoenix miner Latest version is v15.0 - Supercharged Edition: now miner supports up to #384 epoch (4GB DAG size). Note that previous versions support up to #299 epoch, you will not be able to use old versions after #299 epoch. added support for Navi cards (ETH-only mode). now miner sets environment variables automatically (required for 4GB AMD cards

In this video I talk about mining pools and the differences between Mining Pools. I also show you how to setup Claymore's Dual Miner on the mining pool Nanop ethminer = free , phoenix miner low fee no dual mode a bit faster than claymore, claymore high dev fee, dual mining modes. 0 · Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Metz Member Posts: 126 At the time of writing, mining pools are at block 11 460 317 in the ETC network and at block 11 112 083 in the ETH network. The average block find time is 13.2 seconds.

Claymore dual miner et

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Apr 14, 2019 · If miner does not get new jobs for this time, it will disconnect from pool. Default value is 10.-djobtimeout job timeout for second coin in dual mode, in minutes. If miner does not get new jobs for this time, it will disconnect from pool. Default value is 30.-tt set target GPU temperature.

See full list on

Latest version is v14.5 Beta - Supercharged Edition: added "-rxboost" option for AMD Polaris cards, use "-rxboost 1" to improve hashrate by about 5% by applying some additional memory timings. You can use your own straps or use "-strap" option, you will get boost anyway.

Claymore dual miner. To activate dual mining for Claymore dual miner, you will need to add and update the following parameters:-dpool to set the pool address for the second coin.-dwal to set the wallet address for the second coin.-dpsw to set the password you use on the selected pool for the second coin.-mode 0 to activate dual mining (-mode 1

Use English letters, numbers and symbols "-" and "_". Example: rig-1 This miner is free-to-use, however, current developer fee is 1% for Ethereum-only mining mode (-mode 1) and 2% for dual mining mode (-mode 0), every hour the miner mines for 36 or 72 seconds for developer. Decred/Siacoin/Lbry/Pascal is mined without developer fee. The latest version of Claymore’s Dual Ethereum AMD+NVIDIA GPU Miner v15.0 has been released a while ago, but there seem to be quite a lot of people mining Ethash-based coins using older versions of the miner on their GPUs.

C  29 Oct 2020 Claymore miner is one of the most known GPU cryptocurrency miners. But it seems that Here is a list of AMD and NVIDIA supported miners:  23 Jan 2019 Software wise, we opted for Ubuntu and Claymore's dual Ethereum miner.

Claymore dual miner et

52: Ethereum Classic: Claymore 15. Note that dual mining for Nvidia cards suffers from this optimization   That is not normal, some days ago my stats on was great stats but the ETH was uploading slow and I saw the same problem like you. I fixed it  C:\RBF\Mining Pool\ETH Claymore.s.Dual.Ethereum. Decred_Siacoin_Lbry_Pascal.AMD.NVIDIA.GPU.Miner.v10.0. Kopiujemy plik start.bat do katalogu. C  29 Oct 2020 Claymore miner is one of the most known GPU cryptocurrency miners. But it seems that Here is a list of AMD and NVIDIA supported miners:  23 Jan 2019 Software wise, we opted for Ubuntu and Claymore's dual Ethereum miner.

Claymore Miner is high performance Ethereum (ETH) and ERC20 tokens miner, with the official full Windows / Linux support. 6/4/2020 Claymore Dual v15.0 (AMD+NVIDIA GPU Miner) (Download for Windows/Linux) Claymore Dual v15.0 is designed for mining on the CryptoNote algorithm with AMD video cards, which is used to mine the popular Monero (XMR) currency It runs under Windows x64 and Linux x64. 3/20/2019 6/9/2019 Claymore dual miner. To activate dual mining for Claymore dual miner, you will need to add and update the following parameters:-dpool to set the pool address for the second coin.-dwal to set the wallet address for the second coin.-dpsw to set the password you use on the selected pool for the second coin.-mode 0 to activate dual mining (-mode 1 is to disable dual mining). Fyrst munum við þurfa að sækja sumir hugbúnaður til mín með. Claymore er Dual Miner - persónulegt tól til framleiðslu cryptocurrency, til að setja það einfaldlega - einn af the bestur núverandi miners ethereum. Step 1: Set up your Claymore to read only First, you need to make sure you are running Claymore.

Claymore dual miner et

The miner will still be available for installation through the Plugin tab in NiceHash Miner. 6/1/2020 Mining software Ethereum from Claymore`s is the most popular among miners for versatility, high stability and diverse functionality. Recently, in the direction of the development of the mining of cryptocurrency Ethereum, it was difficult to offer something new, so the update of the Claymore's Dual Ethereum AMD + NVIDIA GPU Miner was quite rare. 11/29/2019 Claymore's Ethereum Dual mining software support mining one secondary coin in addition to Ethereum.

All data is provided from MinerMonitoring controlling software for Linux/Windows, join us today and get your rigs monitored. Register today! Looking for best gpu for mining? Checkout these mining gpu compare benchmarks. Choosing More Epochs Мod v1.4 for Claymore Ethereum (ETH) Miner v15 25, Jan 2021 Up until not long ago Ethereum (ETH) and in general most of Ethash AMD and Nvidia GPU mining was mostly done with Claymore’s Dual Ethereum AMD+NVIDIA GPU Miner v15.0, but unfortunately the miner stopped working as it had support up to DAG Epoch 384 for Ethereum. Claymore’s Dual setup Step 1: Download the Miner.

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So, thank you so much for joining us! Claymore Miner is high performance Ethereum (ETH) and ERC20 tokens miner, with the official full Windows / Linux support. See full list on In this guide, we will list Extra Launc h Parameters for Claymore Miner used in NiceHash Miner.

Monitor and control your miners from anywhere. 5_6. 23. 52: Ethereum Classic: Claymore 15. Note that dual mining for Nvidia cards suffers from this optimization  

If you want to turn Test Mode off, use "-driver uninstall" option (with admin rights) and reboot, May 22, 2019 · Claymore's Dual Ethereum+Decred AMD+NVIDIA GPU Miner. Latest version is v14.5 Beta - Supercharged Edition: added "-rxboost" option for AMD Polaris cards, use "-rxboost 1" to improve hashrate by about 5% by applying some additional memory timings.

The best place to get Claymore’s Dual Miner is from the link the developer provides: Navigate to the download folder for Claymore’s Dual Miner on Mega; Download the most recent archive for your operating system. for Windows it is the most recent ZIP archive; for Linux it is the most recent .tar.gz archive Since you are dual mining MaxCoin and Ethereum, you need to specifiy one pool for Ethereum and one pool for MaxCoin.