Platforma cash cup leaderboard xbox


Weekly online tournaments start in-game on April 13, where eligible players in each server region will compete to qualify for the Fortnite World Cup Finals on their supported platform of choice. Jump in each week for your chance to win part of a $1,000,000 prize pool with cash prizes distributed broadly.

PC. Region. Event 1 7/16/2020 10:00 Event 3 Leaderboard. More than 43,477 & You'll be matched against other PlayStation and Xbox players only. Full details are PLATFORM CASH CUP ROUND 1.

Platforma cash cup leaderboard xbox

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Overview Format. 5 weeks of online tournaments (July 16, 2020 - August 26, 2020). There is 1 session played every Thursday. Week 1: July 16th; Week 2: July 23nd; FORTNITE.OP.GG is the statistics, leaderboards, rating, performance point, stream and match history for Fortnite Battle Royale After you've successfully reached contender rank, you can simply head to the compete tab and join the Fortnite Paradox platform cash cup. We are excited to join on PS4 (Picture: Epic Games) This is a solos tournament series, so you don't need teammates to enter.

Check your Fortnite stats and view leaderboards. PLATFORM CASH CUP Every Thursday Prove yourself each week!

Note that FortniteTracker only shows the Top 10K placements. For the regions in which more than 10K people participated, I decided to look at how many points it took to get Top 10K. Weekly online tournaments start in-game on April 13, where eligible players in each server region will compete to qualify for the Fortnite World Cup Finals on their supported platform of choice. Jump in each week for your chance to win part of a $1,000,000 prize pool with cash prizes distributed broadly.

Leaderboards; Events; Item Shop; PLATFORM CASH CUP Every Thursday Prove yourself each week! All times are UTC. Scoring Rules × Victory Royale +3 Points; Reach Top 2 +1 Points; Reach Top 3 +1 Points

Reach Contender League in Arena mode to unlock this event. This tournament occurs across one round, so make it count!

Note that FortniteTracker only shows the Top 10K placements. For the regions in which more than 10K people participated, I decided to look at how many points it took to get Top 10K. Weekly online tournaments start in-game on April 13, where eligible players in each server region will compete to qualify for the Fortnite World Cup Finals on their supported platform of choice. Jump in each week for your chance to win part of a $1,000,000 prize pool with cash prizes distributed broadly.

Platforma cash cup leaderboard xbox

2020-05-08 The BEST Strategy for Platform Cash Cups on Console (How To Place on PS4 + Xbox)In this video, I go over my strategy for the Paradox Platform Solo Cash Cups sorry for the low quality but i’m on an xbox one s so i can’t upload in 1080p only 720p, ggs to everyone and thanks for all the support, can’t wait to see wh fortnite,fortnite battle royale,fortnite season 10,fortnite moments,fortnite gameplay,fortnite funny moments,fortnite new,fortnite best moments,fortnite best 2021-01-25 How I Came 1st in the *FIRST* Solo Platform Cash Cup of Fortnite Season 3MAKE SURE TO JOIN MY DISCORD MediaTwitter: https://t SHAREfactory™!/en-us/tid=CUSA00572_00 43 Top Images Fortnite Tracker Duo Cash Cup Leaderboard / Platform Cash Cup - SOLO PLATFORM CASH CUP in Europe on. Various tiebreakers also need to be. Fortnite platform cash cup leaderboard, results, rules and prize. Whenever i or my duo (he is ion xbox i am on pc don't know if that is a problem) ready up we get the your account level Leaderboards; Events; Item Shop; PLATFORM CASH CUP SOLO SHADOW Every Thursday. CONTENDER CASH CUP DUOS SHADOW Every Wednesday. FNCS SEASON FINALS April 17th - 19th. FNCS SEASON FINALS April 17th - 19th.

CASH CUP. Ended 288. Ended NA East. Switch Cup 3 Ended NA East. HYPE CUP Anyone can participate, anyone can win. It’s time to party up and boogie down with the greatest Fortnite players in the world.

Platforma cash cup leaderboard xbox

Our leaderboards show the leaders for every player on Origin, Playstation and Xbox who has used our site. Reach Contender League in Arena mode to unlock this event. This tournament occurs across one round, so make it count! You'll be matched against other Playstation and Xbox players only. Leaderboards, News, and Advanced Statistics for all Competitive Fortnite Tournaments. CASH CUP. Europe In 4 Days NA East In 4 Days NA West In 4 Days Oceania In 3 Reach Contender League in Arena mode to unlock this event.

Leaderboard; Matches; Streams New! 30 Oct 2019 You'll be matched against other Playstation and Xbox players only. Full rules and eligibility details SOLO PLATFORM CASH CUP. Events. Platform. Console. Mobile. PC. Region Event 11 Leaderboard. More than 10,000 30 Oct 2019 You'll be matched against other Playstation and Xbox players only.

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Leaderboards, News, and Advanced Statistics for all Competitive Fortnite Tournaments. CASH CUP. Europe In 4 Days NA East In 4 Days NA West In 4 Days Oceania In 3 Reach Contender League in Arena mode to unlock this event. This tournament occurs across one round, so make it count! You'll be matched against other Playstation and Xbox players only. Each session in the Fortnite platform Cash Cup mode goes on for three hours.


Mobile. PC. Region. Event 1 Round Elimination + 4.

Platform. Game genre(s) Just these genres And EA is committed to creating the best platform possible for our fans to stay home, stay safe, and still find connection and joy together. As part of a broader “Stay & Play” initiative, the ALGS team is continuing to shift our events away from physical tournaments to Online Tournaments where players will compete for USD $100K in cash per Fortnite Tracker is the best player stat tracking tool. Here you can check also check our Leaderboards, Fortnite Challenges, Items, Skins, News & Guides Speedrunning leaderboards, resources, forums, and more! Any platform PlayStation 4 Xbox One PC Macintosh Switch Xbox Series X. Version. Any 1.0 1.1 1.2. Nov 02, 2019 · The Platform Solo Cash Cup - PC: Chapter 2 Season 1 is a weekly solo tournament organized by Epic Games.